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Transcripts Overview

Transcripts Available through FSMB 


  • FSMB produces transcripts for all USMLE examinees.
  • FSMB produces USMLE transcripts for CentralApp (previously called PSCA = Plastic Surgery Common Application).
  • FSMB does not process USMLE transcripts for ERAS. Individuals participating in ERAS should continue to follow instructions from ERAS for sending their USMLE transcripts to U.S. training programs.  

NBME Parts: 

  • FSMB produces transcripts for all NBME Parts examinees. This includes both physicians with only NBME Parts exam history and physicians with a combination of NBME Parts and USMLE history.


  • FSMB produces transcripts for all SPEX examinees.


  • FSMB produces transcripts for all FLEX examinees.

Non-USMLE exams taken for ECFMG and other medical licensing exams:

  • FSMB does not produce transcripts for any exams other than those noted above.
  • Information about obtaining other transcripts/scores from ECFMG and for other medical licensing examinations (e.g., COMLEX-USA, NBOME Parts, MCCQE, State Board Exams) is provided in the Transcripts FAQs.  

How to Order Transcripts 

To send a transcript to a medical licensing authority, yourself, or other entity or individual, you must create an account with FSMB (or log into your existing account) and submit a transcript order, along with the associated fee. 

Requesting a Transcript Before Your Score is Available

FSMB cannot hold a transcript request pending the release of scores at a later date. If you have recently taken the USMLE or SPEX exam and need that score to appear on your transcript, do not order a transcript until you have received your official score report. Your fees will not be refunded if you order a transcript before your scores are released to you. 

If You Need a Transcript Sent to Yourself

FSMB does not automatically send a copy of your transcript(s) to you when you submit a transcript request. If you need or would like a transcript sent to yourself, you must enter yourself as a recipient on your transcript order.

To send a transcript to yourself, choose “Myself” as a recipient when completing the online transcript order. “Myself” will be counted as one recipient in calculating your fees for your order.

If you would like multiple copies of your transcript for your records, you do not need to enter yourself as a recipient multiple times. You only need to enter “Myself” as a recipient once.

The transcript will be sent to you via email at the email address you provide on your transcript order. The email will include a link for you to access and download the transcript; you will need to have the most recent Adobe reader downloaded on your computer to do so.   

The email link will be valid and accessible to you for 30 days. The transcript will also be available to you via the FSMB portal for six months. After that time, you must submit a new transcript order (including fee) in order to get a copy of your transcript. 


Transcript fees are non-refundable. 

The fee - per transcript order - is $70.00 for up to five recipients and $5.00 for each additional recipient added at that time, on that order. All recipients must be included in the same order to take advantage of the $5 pricing for each recipient beyond the first five.

We cannot refund, cancel, change, or add additional recipients to a transcript order once it is submitted.

Make sure you 1) need a transcript, 2) have entered all recipients, and 3) have entered the correct recipients before making payment and submitting your order.

A detailed receipt is provided to you upon submission of each order, showing recipients, number of transcripts ordered, method of payment and total fees. 

Cancellations and Changes 

Once you submit a transcript order, it cannot be cancelled or changed. If you realize you need to add or change recipients after submitting your order, you must start and submit a new order, including payment of a new fee. 

Processing Time 

USMLE, SPEX, FLEX transcripts are processed and sent to recipients very quickly – usually within 24 hours from the time you submit the transcript order. Your transcripts may go out the same day the order is submitted. 

NBME Parts transcripts require additional time to process. Please allow at least three business days for processing.

Processing of all transcripts will be delayed if there is a discrepancy between the name and/or date of birth you provide on your transcript request and what we have in our database. All discrepancies are reviewed, verified (i.e., you must provide documentation verifying your correct name and/or date of birth) and corrected before the transcript is released.  

Method of Delivery 

All exam scores are confidential. Scores will not be provided over the phone. An official transcript request must be submitted before FSMB will provide your transcript to you or to any other individual or entity. 

FSMB provides official transcripts only in an electronic (PDF) format. We do not mail paper transcripts.  

Medical licensing authorities:

  • State medical and osteopathic boards in the United States, as well as a few medical licensing authorities outside the U.S., receive transcripts through a secure, online portal. Transcripts remain on the portal for six months from the delivery date. 

Residency application service:

  • Participating programs (currently, only CentralApp – previously called PSCA = Plastic Surgery Common Application) receive transcripts electronically through a secure, online portal. Transcripts remain on the portal for six months from the delivery date.
  • Note: This is not for transcripts needed for ERAS. FSMB does not process USMLE transcripts for ERAS. Individuals participating in ERAS should continue to follow instructions from ERAS for sending their USMLE transcripts to U.S. training programs.  

You (“Myself”):

  • The transcript will be sent to you at the email address you provide on your transcript order. The email will include a link for you to access and download the transcript; you will need to have the most recent Adobe reader downloaded on your computer to do so. The link will be valid and accessible to you for 30 days. The transcript will also be available to you via the FSMB portal for six months.


  • The transcript will be sent to the entity or individual via email at the email address you provide on your transcript order. The email will include a link for the recipient to access and download the transcript. The link will be valid and accessible to the recipient for 30 days. 

Information Reported on Transcripts

All available exam history will be reported. If you have history/scores for multiple examinations, transcripts for all examinations will be included. 

Official transcripts include the following:

  • Biographical information (date of birth and all names FSMB has for you).
  • Complete score/attempt history, including incomplete attempts and/or any examinations for which no results were reported. (Some state medical boards count incomplete attempts toward their exam attempt limits.)  
  • Annotation(s) of any actions taken against you by medical licensing authorities or other entities that have been reported to the FSMB Physician Data Center. If any action has been reported, a FSMB Physician Data Center (PDC) Profile will be included.
  • Indication of whether you have previously taken another licensing examination – i.e., the former NBME Parts I, II, or III; Federation Licensing Examination (FLEX); or ECFMG Clinical Skills Assessment (CSA).
  • Annotation(s) and information documenting classification of any scores as indeterminate (see Score Validity and Irregular Behavior information on the USMLE website). 
  • Annotation(s) and information documenting any irregular behavior (see Score Validity and Irregular Behavior information on the USMLE website).