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Physician Discipline (Html Page)

.iframe-container { text-align: center; } /* Display list ... class="iframe-container"> com/1py1e1yz16mvplu3lrjl65q56vhylw5vwzg?live" title="v2_FSMB

Innovations in State Based Licensure

This report identifies and highlights instances of temporary, limited or special practice licensure and provides guidance for medical boards toward best regulatory practices, encouraging

Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Plan

The Workgroup on Emergency Preparedness and Response (the “Workgroup”), was charged with addressing the potential needs of state medical and osteopathic boards (“medical boards”) during the

Working at FSMB

Working at FSMB Employees at the FSMB have the pleasure of working together in ... cp.async = true; cp.src = ""; var c = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
