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Contact a State Medical Board

Contact a State Medical Board FSMB supports America’s state medical boards in licensing, disciplining and regulating physicians and other healthcare

Leadership FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions What offices can I run for? Elected positions on the FSMB Board of Directors include the

Contact Advocacy & Media

Contact Advocacy & Media Federation of State Medical Boards 1775 Eye Street NW Suite 410 Washington, DC 20006 (202) 463-4000 Lisa Robin, MLA, Chief Advocacy Officer,

Advocacy Services

The FSMB serves as the voice for state medical boards, supporting them through education, assessment, research and advocacy while providing services and initiatives that promote patient safety,


The SPEX ® is a computerized, multiple-choice examination of current knowledge requisite for the general, undifferentiated practice of medicine.

Become a Leader

The FSMB relies on the expertise, creativity and commitment of its elected leaders to strengthen the organization’s long-term vision and mission. The FSMB Board of Directors is comprised of leaders

GME Records for Closed Program Listings

GME Records for Closed Program Listings The FSMB maintains complete program files with key information necessary for credentialing verification. For licensing boards, employers, credentialing


FCVS has partnered with DocuSign to streamline the post-graduate training verification process. DocuSign is the industry leader for eSignatures providing an accurate and secure automated agreement

GME Closed Programs Information

GME Closed Programs Information The FSMB has offered the opportunity to permanently store resident records from any Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) approved programs

Physicians and Credentialing Organizations

The FSMB maintains records for many residency programs that have closed. As the custodian of these records, FSMB can provide verification of this information for licensure, credentialing or
