Where do you get the information in your profiles?
keyboard_arrow_downOur data comes from multiple sources, including State Medical Boards, government regulatory entities and international licensing authorities.
Is your data considered primary source?
keyboard_arrow_downWe meet primary source equivalent requirements for state board and federal sanctions by the Joint Commission and URAC and we are an NCQA (National Committee for Quality Assurance) approved source for our state board and federal sanctions history.
Do all states report licensure history to you? If so, how often?
keyboard_arrow_downThe Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) is a membership organization, comprised of all the state medical licensing boards across the United States and its territories. Various State Medical Boards provide the FSMB license data daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly.
Do you have malpractice information?
keyboard_arrow_downOur profiles do not contain malpractice information. We do, however, offer a robust profile that includes the following:
- Revocations and suspensions
- Loss of license
- Probation restrictions of disciplinary and non-disciplinary actions
- Licensure denials
- Reinstatements
- Consent orders
- Administrative actions (fines, warnings, etc.)
- Medicare/Medicaid exclusions or reinstatements
Can I keep my credit card on file?
keyboard_arrow_downYes. Our system features a digital wallet that allows you to store credit card information for future invoice payments.
Who can I query?
keyboard_arrow_downYou can query MDs, DOs and PAs for licensure verification and sanction history. Other healthcare professionals (e.g., dentists, nurse practitioners, podiatrists, etc.) are not included, unless they also hold MD, DO, or PA designations.
How do I set up an account?
keyboard_arrow_downTo set up an account, email pdc@fsmb.org. You’ll receive a link and user guide to walk you through creating your account, as well as instructions on how to query, view and print reports, pay invoices and other tasks.
How much do your profiles cost?
keyboard_arrow_downA Standard Profile costs $9.00/physician and includes 12 months of monitoring. Our Premium Profile is $12/physician and includes the same information found in the Standard profile along with board specialty from the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS).
How am I billed?
keyboard_arrow_downYou are charged when you run a query. Invoices are automatically generated by your PDC account on the first of each month and include all queries performed the previous month. We do not mail invoices or statements. An email notification will be sent to the primary account holder once an invoice is available. A second notification will appear in your PDC account. You can access and pay your invoices thru your PDC account with a credit card or you can pay with a check within 30 days.
How many users can we have for our account?
keyboard_arrow_downYour organization will have one account, and your account admin can assign an unlimited number of users.
How do we receive the Disciplinary Alert Service notifications?
keyboard_arrow_downWhen an alert is available, you will receive an e-mail notification. The alert will also appear in your PDC account.
How often are the disciplinary alerts received from State Medical Boards?
keyboard_arrow_downWe receive disciplinary alerts daily from State Medical Boards. You will receive alert notifications as we receive them.