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Opioids and Pain Management

The United States' escalating opioid epidemic, with drug overdose deaths on the rise since 1999, has led to a wave of laws, regulations, and guidelines implemented at the federal and state level

Dustin D.

Director, Physician Data Center

FSMB Certifications

FSMB Certifications NCQA Certification The Federation of State Medical Boards has received certification from the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA). NCQA is a private, non-profit

Strategic Goals

State Medical Board Support: Serve state medical boards by promoting regulatory best practices and providing operational resources that add to their effectiveness. Advocacy and Policy Leadership:

PDC Data Files

With a PDC data file, you have access to a comprehensive database of licensure and disciplinary information for more than 1.2 million doctors (MD & DO) and physician assistants in

Spotlight Videos

Interviews with health care leaders about issues impacting state medical boards and their mission of public protection.

PDC Query Services

PDC Query Services Credentialing Made Easy Finding reliable, trusted sources can be a challenge. Since 1912, the Physician Data Center has partnered with state medical and osteopathic boards to
