Historical Actions in US.pdf
Showing 1-10 of 432 results
State-by-State Overview ... Limits on Use of Criminal Record in Licensing by State State-by-State Overview
Licensed Physicians in the United States.” The census, released every two years in the Journal of Medical ... Medical Regulation, uses data received by the FSMB from the nation’s state medical and osteopathic licensing
These model guidelines provide a framework for medical boards ... to use in educating and regulating physicians who use complementary and alternative therapies in their
Report of the FSMB Workgroup on Telemedicine ... The Appropriate Use of Telemedicine Technologies in the Practice of Medicine Report of the FSMB Workgroup
FSMB’s official public policies are intended to give guidance and encourage consistency ... state medical boards in addressing trends in medical practice and regulation in order to protect the public
This policy ... provides updated guidance on use of social media and electronic communications in medical practice and by
The Federation of State Medical Boards of ... the US, Inc., accepted this Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Physician Impairment as policy in April
This report introduces the fundamental principles of the Blockchain focusing on its potential ... Blockchain in Education This report introduces the fundamental principles of the Blockchain focusing
The FSMB provides the SPEX Information Bulletin and a free, paper and pencil practice test that should provide familiarity ... that should provide familiarity with the formats used in the exam.