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Monica G.

What attracted you to work at your company? How did you know it would be a good fit? What do you value most about your company’s or team’s culture? What sets it apart from other places you’ve

Policy Clearinghouse

The FSMB supports its member boards through policy analysis and development on key issues impacting medical regulation.

U.S. Medical Regulatory Trends and Actions

Comprehensive information about the make-up, policies and work of state medical boards, as well as national aggregated data on physician licensure and discipline. Guide to Medical Regulation Learn

Basis for Action Codes Webinar

The National Practitioner Data Bank is releasing a new set of Basis for Action codes on Dec. 16, 2022. The FSMB along with representatives from ASPPB,

Outage Notice

  FSMB is currently experiencing an unexpected internet connectivity outage. This will impact all online applications. We are working on restoring connectivity, and apologize for any inconvenience

Rachel S.

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Kenny B.

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UA FAQ UA FAQ for Medical Professionals What is the difference between the Federation Credentials Verification Service (FCVS) and the Uniform Application (UA)? The UA is a licensure application

PDC Data Files

With a PDC data file, you have access to a comprehensive database of licensure and disciplinary information for more than 1.2 million doctors (MD & DO) and physician assistants in
